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Milestone Cards for my Baby II

28 June 2021
B. Robles
B. Robles


Today I’m sharing another batch of milestone cards I made for my baby. Mikel is 8 months old now. My, how time flies! I’m so happy to watch him grow up but so sad at the same time because he is not going to be a little baby anymore :'( I’m so happy I decided to make his milestone cards myself and take pictures to check how much he has grown. Every time I see the first milestone picture, I think: “Did I ever had such a small baby in my arms?”.


This little sheep is one of my favorite stamps. He is so cute with his bow tie!

As I told you in this previous post, initially, I planned which images I wanted for each card, taking into account which month/season it is for. Today I’m showing you the 5 to 8 months old cards, corresponding to March to June months. If you read my blog post where I showed the first batch of cards, you already know I’m using mainly Purple Onion Designs stamps designed by Stacey Yacula with some other stamps to help to set the scenes.


I love how well the big flowers coordinate with the one the bunny is holding.

The cards are in Basque, so hilabete means month. If you are interested in the supplies I used to stamp the words and the numbers, you can check this post. The images are colored using Zig Clean Color Real Brush markers, and I used Distress Inks to color the backgrounds. Also, I used a white gel pen and a Sakura Stardust glitter pen to add some details.


In this card, I added a subtle cloudy background with a stencil, barely visible in the picture.

I tried to make rather simple scenes. If you follow my work, you know I love a good scene card with tons of elements, so making these clean scenes in such muted colors is quite difficult for me.


Notice I used the same background stamp as in the 5-months-old card, but with some selective masking, it looks totally different.

I’m still finishing the 12-month set, so probably I’ll share the last four cards after Mikel’s first birthday (please, can we stop time? I want him to be a little baby forever). I hope you like these cards!!

Thank you so much for stopping by!

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